Okay, to be honest, I'm a bit nervous for this semester because it's my last semester before going for an internship and I want it to be smooth sailing plus it's also the semester where I've to finish my final year thesis.
I was actually looking forward to going back to college because I can have a meet-up with my supervisor more frequently but yeah well that didn't happen due to the spike in covid cases and we are advised to stay at home. Actually for UPM boleh mohon to stay at college but my father is pretty much against me staying at college due to safety reasons.
Last semester was hectic for me mostly because everything was online and I was struggling with my thesis and other than thesis proposal I also had a lot of reports to submit. All of the subjects were heavy and to catch up with all the due dates was very nerve-wracking for me.
As for my thesis, my supervisor, tak tahulah nak cakap macam mana. Sebelum uni tutup and kelas semua face to face she was very helpful. Tapi lepas start je online class susah nak contact. Pelik jugak sebab kalau nak cakap yang aku selalu kacau dia, bukan selalu pun sebenarnya. Dalam sebulan tu sekali atau dua kali je I would contact my supervisor.
I had a lot of questions regarding my proposal but it was hard to get in touch with her through email or WhatsApp. She would usually give me feedback on my proposal after my fourth or fifth attempt so most of the time I had to figure out a lot of things on my own.
Luckily it wasn't just me. Most of my friends experienced the same thing. After the commencement of online classes our supervisors just basically left us in the dark. I would always discuss with my friends regarding our thesis through WhatsApp and it helped a lot (thank god we had each other).
Despite all the assignments piling up every day, thankfully I managed to submit everything on time.
Last semester was a hectic semester but it was still manageable thank god. Somehow I feel like I can better manage my assignments and my time when my lecturers set specific due dates.
Ada beberapa kali my lecturers gave us assignments without due dates and it definitely was a bad move since students will definitely IGNORE assignments that have NO submission date (kekekeke!). Tapi tu lah yang tak bestnya tiba2 nanti "Okay yang assignment harituh saya bagi hantar esok ya!". Hah time tuh memang gelabahlah semua ahahahaha!
Benda bila tak ada due ni I think memang automatically kita akan lengah-lengahkan rasanya. It's no one's fault actually. It's normal untuk kedepankan benda-benda yang urgent dan ada deadline dulu before benda-benda yang vague with no due.
Honestly, it reminds me of this one Ted Talk by Tim Urban. According to him, there are two kinds of procrastination. Number one, short-term procrastination with deadlines. Number two, procrastination in the situation where there is no deadline. Basically, it's a situation where we are not pressured to do the things that we have to do or want to do simply because there is no time limit.
Sounds like a very fun and chill way to live your life but according to him, procrastination in the situation where there is no deadline can result in your own unhappiness.
Not just in terms of assignments lah but basically something beyond that as well. Things that we want to do in our lives but for some reason, we keep on putting it off.
Bukanlah nak cakap everybody is entirely unhappy in this world because they procrastinate tapi lebih kepada you can be much happier when you do the things you have been putting off doing instead of procrastinating it.
"There are also all kinds of important things outside of your career that don’t involve any deadlines, like seeing your family or exercising and taking care of your health, working on your relationship or getting out of a relationship that isn’t working." - Tim Urban, Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator.
In my opinion, in a larger context, it can also be something that you really want to do like learning a new skill, travelling, writing a book, starting a new career or getting a degree in the field that you're interested in.
I do believe that sometimes people procrastinate not because they are lazy.
Sometimes its because they lack confidence. Fear of failure can also be one of the reasons. And other time, financial issues.
I stumbled upon this one writing slash journal prompt on Pinterest. Basically, the question was if you only had 3 months to live, what are the things that you want to do?
And suddenly I have a lot of things I want to do in that 3 months simply because I now, theoretically, have a deadline. Honestly, I have a lot of things I want to do, big things and small things alike, but often put it off for other things yang memang dah ada deadline (for example, my thesis \facepalm/).
Anyways, I think it is important to remember that setting yourself a goal, target or deadline shouldn't be mistaken as pressuring yourself lah that's for sure. Like these days when society pressures you to be successful, have a certain level of income or get married by a certain age etc. Those are not the kind of deadlines that you need.
Bottom line, it is important for you to set the deadlines for yourself in terms of the things that you want to do or accomplish and not let society set the deadlines for you.
Or else it'll become just like another uni assignment.

supervisor nak latih to be independent..Alhamdulillah, ada kwn2 yg membantu..
ReplyDeleteSaya tak kisah sangat kalau memang dia nak latih jadi independent tapi sampai tahap nak bincang benda betul2 penting dgn dia pun susah sedihlah jugak rasa. Itulah. Nasib baik ada kawan2 untuk discuss berkenaan proposal dan bagi moral support.
DeleteSometimes procrastinating because I don't know how to do it. Like you are lucky to know what to do even though your supervisor is not very helpful.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually lucky because I have friends to discuss all this ;~;
DeleteYeah,deadlines are very important ,so that we can have our goals and we know,when, what,how ,we want to organize our daily life. (Like assignments) hehehe
ReplyDeleteHihihi betul tuh!
DeleteThis is my last semester as well and am very nervous about it.
ReplyDeleteAll da best to both of us.
Yeah hopefully we can go through this without any regrets ;~;
Deletei feel u....kitorg kat cni pun kena dapatkan kebenaran dean untuk blik ke campus...and alhamdulillah since we have labworks to catch up...mmg dean approve and so do families....all the machine and equipment ada kat lab....
ReplyDeletebest of luck to us all.....its my final year too....and most of FYP student that need labwork are allow to be back to campus....
I see no wonder kena balik. Saya tak ada lab. Nak balik pun sebab nak senang jumpa supervisor and nak jumpa kawan2. Good luck! Semoga fyp dipermudahkan!
DeleteAll the best for your thesis and final semester :)
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to setting deadlines to our self, people tend to forget to treat themselves as a human being that possesses human nature too. We get tired, we get burns out, we get sleepy, we get hungry. Eliminating our human nature could become the source of our (bad) stress :)
ReplyDeleteBetul tuh. And I'm feeling hungry already right now ahahahhaha
DeleteSemesters yang kena buat thesis memang tough. I can only imagine je betapa tough nya kena buat thesis musim-musim macam ni lagi-lagi lecturer asyik MIA. Hahaha. All the best for your thesis and final semester girl.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha tuh lah! So far boleh handle lagi sebab kelas baru start, assignment pun tak banyak so mental masih stabil XD '
DeleteJust sekarang tengah nak kumpul respondens je
I'm going to start my master soon so if you have any ODL tips please share. I couldn't imagine sitting in front of the computer for hours every day. Sounds exhausting.
ReplyDeleteI do have. A LOT. The number one tip is take a break! Like some classes would last for hours right? Usually after 15 mins in I would take a break and I'd repeat. Every 15-20 mins I would stop, mute may laptop and go take a 10 min nap. Resume class and after 15 mins I'll stop again. It helps. Honestly.
DeleteI think setting deadlines for ourselves is really helpful. I have lots of things to do and revise, so I memang use my journal a lot. List-kan semua kerja, settlekan satu per satu. That satisfying feeling when we manage to check off all of our to-do-lists~
ReplyDeleteHeyyy I also got back into journaling because rindu nak tulis2 dalam buku. Selama ni banyak tulis dalam buku nota biasa je yg tak classified as journaling. More like buku utk conteng2 and plan perjalanan kehidupan lol. I have a lot of things to do as we speak and rasa sakit kepala pulak tu urgh
DeleteHi, dropping by here. Terasa lama tak singgah comment dekat sini, my bad.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I agree with you with "sometimes people procrastinate not because they are lazy" because I've been doing that unintentionally when it comes to blogging. I procrastinate a lot of blog posts because I choose to be with my family for the time being and busy with looking for a new job since we all lost our job recently.
I wish people would understand that procrastinating is not because we are lazy but because we have other priorities with or without deadlines.
Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I also went job hunting (internship) a few weeks ago. Sekarang ni thank god dah secure tempat untuk intern. Hopefully everything will go well for you!
DeleteHaah betul. Sekarang ni kan, actually I bought a journal December last year and nak start journaling again tapi asyik put off benda tu sebab nak make way for more important things. I feel sad. Hopefully I can start journaling again as soon as this chaotic week 13/14 ends.