Pendapat daripada semua orang memang tak salah nak dipertimbangkan tapi pada masa yang sama you have to think of what you want. If you keep on listening to what other people say and decide on things by what other people think is the best for you then you, my child, are probably not gonna live happily for the rest of your miserable life.
Kalau benda tuh memang dah sah-sah benda yang teruk, contohnya, kau ketagih dadah dan bila orang sekeliling nasihat kau tak nak dengar, then itu memang salah sendiri lah lols. Kes-kes macam nih memang perlu nasihat orang sekeliling.
Tapi aku bukannya cerita pasal benda-benda macam nih. Aku maksudkan benda-benda yang lain.
Contohnyalah, your parents are forcing you to be, lets say, a doctor? When you can't deny the fact that you have a very strong passion for art. Plus, to make things worst, you realized that you are not cut out for the role because you really hate science but because your parents forced you, so you feel like it's your responsibility to become a doctor.
Kalau jadi macam nih memang susah sebab first of all, dorang parents. Second, it's your life.
So bila jadi macam nih, memang kena bawak bincang baliklah dengan parents. Kalau jadi doctor pun, gaji besar, disanjung masyarakat tapi kau tak gembira. Tak ke sad life di situ.
Lagi contoh adalah seperti kau baru masuk form 4. Dan kau tak tahu nak masuk aliran apa tapi ramai berpendapat yang kau patut masuk aliran sains sebab result PT3/PMR kau okay. Lagipun aliran sains nih dipandang tinggi bla bla bla but pada masa yang sama, hati kau lebih kepada aliran account.
Then you should really go for account. Because if you study things that you really like then chances are, you'll feel more satisfied you know? Regardless of whether you score at the end of the day.
Kalau nak puaskan hati orang, pilihlah keputusan ikut pendapat orang.
Kalau nak puaskan hati sendiri, choose what is best for you. Not for other people.
In the end it's your life. People force you to become a lawyer. So you become a lawyer. What will you get then? Experience, yeah. Knowledge, most likely. But satisfactory, maybe not. But what will they get in return? Honestly speaking they get nothing.
Katakanlah, maybe, your sibling ada yang nak jadi engineer tapi dia perempuan. Lepas tuh, from your perspective, kau rasa macam dia tak patut pilih bidang tuh sebab bidang engineer agak susah dari segi cabarannya for female species like us.
Sekurang-kurangnya bila dia sedar yang bidang tuh tak fit untuk dia, dia dah experience benda tuh. Tak adalah hati dia resah gundah gulana terfikir-fikir apalah yang akan jadi agaknya kalau dia pilih bidang engineering instead of law. Ataupun dia pilih bidang engineering instead of tourism.
Tapi katakanlah dia masih sukakan bidang tuh walaupun dah bertahun kerja, in the end dia yang akan benefit daripada keputusan dia sendiri. Kita yang dok soh seh judging her choices nih tak dapat apa pun. Tapi yelah. Sebab family kan? Kita mestilah nakkan yang terbaik untuk family sendiri. Tapi macam yang aku cakap, tak boleh paksa.
Point is, quoting from Divergent series, "You have to think of the family, but you also have to think about yourself."
But to make it more clear, it pretty much means you've to weigh in the options and seek advice from other people but in the end, you are responsible for your own life and you're the one who's gonna either suffer or benefit from whatever decision you make. And the one who will bear the long-term effects of those choices you make is you yourself.
Not them.
p/s: Tapi kalau kau memang tak tahu nak pilih apa, kiranya memang betul-betul atas pagar, dan kau pulak memang stabil gila atas pagar tuh tak nak jatuh-jatuh ke kiri atau kanan, I think it's better mintak pendapat orang. I mean at this point, kau tak kisah sangat pun mana-mana kau pilih so apa salahnya mintak tolong.